£200K for inappropriate treatment of keratoconus
Posted 13/02/2012
Ashtons Legal medical injury lawyer Julie Crossley has obtained a £200,000 settlement for a Suffolk man whose eye pressure was not monitored appropriately during his ongoing treatment, and whose treatment was therefore unsatisfactory.
He was being treated for keratoconus, a condition in which the shape of the cornea changes with a serious detrimental impact on the patient’s vision. As a result of the failure to monitor his eye pressure appropriately, Mr C was encouraged to continue using steroid eye drops for longer than was appropriate, developed glaucoma and had to have corrective surgery. He now has no peripheral vision in that eye and only around 10% vision so is effectively blind in that eye. Taken in conjunction with the symptoms of keratoconus in his right eye, these problems have had a serious detrimental effect on his day to day life.
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