NHS system to worsen in coming years
Posted 27/09/2012
A report prepared by the Kings Fund has highlighted that standards of care within the NHS are likely to worsen over the coming years in view of further predicted budget cuts. This report has been compiled with the views of 45 finance chiefs throughout the country who are trying to balance the books within a society where the demands on the NHS continue to increase at an alarming rate.
The report has shown that the finance chiefs believe the savings made to date have been made without any compromise to patient safety with performance statistics showing that the NHS is performing well.
2013 is seen as a significant marker in the sand when many predict that we will see a more obvious impact of the current and predicted austerity measures for the NHS.
Sharon Allison, a medical injury lawyer with the nationally renowned medical injury team at Ashtons Legal, says: “I am not sure that the performance statistics are the only indicators that the Government should be looking at. We have seen a number of cases where there have been compromises to patient safety because clinical staff are trying to meet the performance indicators such as waiting times and outpatient appointments.
NHS chiefs will face significant pressure to meet the savings target of £20bn by 2015 despite the forecast that it is not possible. Sadly, I think it is inevitable that patient care will be compromised. What is more depressing is that Government led reforms over civil litigation funding will make it much harder for victims of medical accidents to access the justice they deserve when they suffer an injury. Hardly fair….”
If you think you may have a medical injury claim, please contact Sharon Allison or any member of the Medical Injury team on 01842 752401.
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