Identifying genetic factors in cerebral palsy

  • Posted

Posted 18/01/2012

Cerebral Palsy is thought to be the most common physical disability of childhood. Whilst it is believed that birth asphyxia is responsible for some cases, it has long been known that in most individuals, the cause remains a mystery. It is reported today that as the ability to sequence the human genome improves, it is hoped that it may prove possible to identify genetic factors linked to the development of cerebral palsy. If this proves true, then it may prove possible to develop genomically guided therapeutic interventions.Anything that reduces the incidence of neurological impairment in children will be welcomed – particularly by those who see the lifelong difficulties faced by those who have cerebral palsy and their families. Lawyers like ourselves – who investigate those cases where birth asphyxia is thought to be the cause of this condition – are well aware of the many and varied challenges faced by the individuals and families affected by cerebral palsy.

Every clinical negligence lawyer who has pursued a case for a cerebral palsy sufferer does so in the hope that lessons will be learnt by the medical profession so that every avoidable birth injury is eradicated where humanly possible in the future. If this can be combined with increasingly effective therapeutic intervention in the case of those where birth asphyxia is not thought to be a causal factor, there would be great hope that in the future, Cerebral Palsy might cease to hold the unenviable position of being the most common cause of disability in children.


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