Employment law against discrimination ‘could include caste issues’

  • Posted

Posted 04/03/2010

Increased research into caste-based discrimination in British workplaces could see it become illegal under employment law upon the request of one government peer.

Baroness Glenys Thornton has said she fears that it could be prevalent in UK companies, as some second-generation UK Asian workers may look down on their colleagues who are viewed as of a lower caste.

She has asked for a study to be carried out into the issue this summer and the House of Lords has already accepted a potential amendment to the Equality Bill if it is found to be a major problem.

Keith Porteous Wood, a representative of the National Secular Society, said he was pleased with the news and hopes that it will see caste-based prejudice eliminated in the workplace.

“The blight of caste discrimination … has spread to this country virtually unnoticed,” he remarked.

Under the Race Relations Act, it is already unlawful to be discriminated against because of race, colour and ethnic background.

The advice of a specialist employment lawyer should be sought by anyone who feels they have been the victim of discrimination.


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