Sepsis warning: Bereaved Mother “We must challenge doctor knows best” attitude

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Martha Mills died as a result of sepsis following a rare pancreatic trauma after falling off her bike whilst on holiday.

Her mother, Merope Mills, an editor at the Guardian, has highlighted this issue again following the sad and unnecessary death of Martha. She speaks of the doctor’s attitude towards them as parents, their failures to listen and share information, and the misogynistic way in which a doctor used her own anxiety as a reason not to send Martha to critical care. The effect of which the Inquest into her death concluded led to Martha’s preventable death. The link to the article is below:

Amanda Cavanagh, Associate at Ashtons Legal Medical Negligence team, comments: “It is heartbreaking to hear yet another story of an avoidable death as a result of sepsis. Sadly this is not an isolated incident. Why is sepsis not the first thought on clinicians’ minds when faced with a mother telling them that their child is just not right? Delays in diagnosis and treatment of sepsis all too often lead to death. Early detection is vital. Please don’t be afraid to ask the question: could it be Sepsis?”

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